
Showing posts from September, 2011

Pitch correction in Music

It is long known that popular singer's vocals are pitch corrected through software. I mean off-key notes are adjusted. Yes technology can do wonders! Computer Software is changing the way musicians create, record, and manipulate music. Software called Music Objects Recognition (MOR) can dynamically adjust music elements like harmony, tempo, melody, etc. and can even emulate human performance on the piano..! Dr. Andy Hildebrand, Inventor of Autotune Andy Hildebrand, inventor of pitch correction software Auto-Tune, developed it by applying the data processing knowledge he gained from his work in geophysics, where acoustical waves are used to search for oil. Amazing isn't it..! He estimates that 90% of popular music vocals go through Auto-Tune. Also hardware versions are used to pitch correct live performances on the fly. Recently released “Throat and Harmony Engine” is capable of analyzing a person’s voice recording and recreating it. Visit this link for the complete article: htt...

Loudness war: over-compression in music

Ten minutes after you start listening to your favourite music album, you feel that something isn't right. Even though you love this album, you can't listen to it anymore. You shut it off, tired, puzzled, and confused. This always seems to happen when you switch from a classic album to a modern one. What you've just experienced is something called over-compression of the dynamic range. Welcome to the loudness war. The “loudness war” (an assault on music and ears - an open secret of the recording industry for nearly the past two decades), refers to the competition among record companies to make louder and louder albums. But the loudness war could be doing more than just that... like halting technological advances in sound quality for years to come. Find out how..? Flash Version Text version Find out, how can Replay Gain algorithm help in this cause?