
Showing posts from May, 2014

Monotonic functional mapping

I have n functions f_i(x){i=1,...,n} which do not preserve the monotonic mapping order i.e. if x_1 < x_2, then in general, f_i(x_1) is not less than f_i(x_2) (for all i = 1,2,...n). So can I construct a function g mapping on fi's such that g(f1,f2,...fn) is monotonic? If yes, please elaborate on the method for the same. Even if g is a unimodal function, it should be fine. Put differently, for every value of x over an interval, I have the (n) outcomes of some physical process denoted by f_i (i = 1,2, ..., n). Now given such a set of f_i's corresponding to an unknown value of x (but known to lie within an interval), I have the task of estimating x. Since these f_i's are not monotonic in nature (no set pattern), I felt it would aid in this estimation task of mine if I could construct a monotonic function g using the f_i's. Please do convey your ideas.

Carpooling by google?

I think one area where Google Plus can contribute is car pooling. Need less to say car pooling saves money, natural non-renewable resource, pollution, driving stress, traffic jams, parking problems and of course provides an opportunity to make new friends.


A concise article about "How audio codecs work - Psychoacoustics" Link: Here are the links to detailed articles about "Psycoacoustics" presented in three parts.

Ship of Theseus - Movie Review

'Ship of Theseus' (SOT) is an awesome movie that too coming from an unexpected place, the Indian film industry known for its 'run of the mill' inane and insipid movies. SOT is a movie about three different stories united by a single narrative. Each story exploring different aspects of human existence and karma. SOT starts by posing to the audience the titular thought experiment "Theseus' ship paradox". This is to do with the question of identity