A Beautiful Mind

Russel Crowe's exemplary performance as the math genius, takes me through the emotional ups and downs in his life. Be it the incident at the bar when he finally discovers his 'original idea' or his confession to his once rival then friend Martin of his defeat, not to forget the touching scene where his wife Alicia tries to explain what is 'real' to schizophrenic Nash.
Truly worthy of 'Best Picture' academy award, the movie stays with me long after. It is perfectly complimented by James Horner's background score. Right from the first scene, the inspiring welcome speech when Helinger says 'Who amongst you will be the next Morse, the next Einstein' through the last scene with Nash's acceptance speech at the Nobel.
And for once, all the math equations they show in a movie are correct! I almost always end up with moist eyes whenever I watch it.
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