Diwali conundrum

Have you heard of "Tragedy of the commons"?

In the context of Diwali, 'Tragedy of the commons' can be interpreted as that if each person or family does what is best for themselves (bursting fire crackers) even if it is bad (pollution) for the common resources (atmosphere) then the long term outcome is degradation (air quality) of these common resources.

However, supporters have argued in the Supreme court of India that bursting of fire crackers is a religious activity. Hindu light the way to heaven for the forefathers to return back. So any suggestion to the effect of avoiding fire crackers is seen as anti-Hindu religion.

The only solution to this conundrum is self restraint - it is essential to preserve the air that we breathe. Don't forget the millions who died gasping for a breath of oxygen during the pandemic.

Diwali is a festival of lights not sound. Avoid bursting crackers for the sake of our environment. 

 Happy Deepavali or Diwali!
