Tweet for the sparrow

Ever wondered where have those little sparrows that warble outside your home gone? The once ubiquitous House Sparrows (Passer Domesticus) are now rarely seen in the cities. However, they are still a part of the pleasant rustic residence. I was lucky to spot a bunch of them but in a hill station (not in the city). Here are couple of my pics..

Luckily them, they are still part of their bucolic life. But do we have to travel that far to listen to a sparrow chirp? why, in the first place, have they deserted us? Well we have many theories to account for their disappearance.
  • well first of all, the modern architecture of the city buildings and the the disappearing urban green spaces don't really provide a suitable nesting place. Do they?

  • Add to that the out fashioned kitchen gardens that have choked their food sources like food grains and worms etc.

  • Some opine that the unleaded petrol emits harmful toxic gases like methyl nitrite which kill insects as also the extensive use of pesticides disrupting their food chains

  • Some even suggest that the harmful electro magnetic radiation from the mobile towers are the culprits driving them out of cities, where these towers are found in high density. Ironically, tweets of the sparrows are now displaced by their online counterparts from your mobile phones!
Leaving out the few other considerations for the cause of this sorry state, one can conclude that we have more theories than number of sparrow sightings in year.

Now the question is.. Do you really yearn to get them back in your busy mudane urban life? Here is what we can do.
  • Buy a sparrow feeder from a nearby pet shop. These are even being distributed free of cost by many NGOs get to know about them.

  • Spread grains on oyour balcony, roof tops, terrace etc.

  • Well the summer is approaching, so keep water in a small pots for these small thirsty beings
Finally, why talk about this all of a sudden.. Here's why.. March 20 is being celebrated as World Sparrow Day. This event hopes to raise public awareness on the dwindling sparrow population.


Theme: "Chirp for the sparrow, tweet for the sparrow"

Spread the mesage.. tweet or at the least retweet..!
